Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Differences. (Part 2)

If you read part one to this post (if you haven't, I've conveniently linked it HERE for you - I know, I'm so thoughtful), you might have noticed that I picked a few faults with the US. Don't worry, it's not all bad! Here's my list of things that I like so far.

- I know San Francisco is one of the best 'foodie' cities in the US, and it isn't the case across the country, but there's SO much choice food-wise. For example, in the Latino Mission, there aren't just Mexican restaurants, there are Salvadoran, Peruvian and Argentinian restaurants too...the variety is great!

- They have lots of public holidays, and they mostly don't know what they mean. But no one's going to complain having days off!

- Americans in general love my accent, and they find it easier to understand than the Southern accents. It makes a nice change from having the strongest accent (along with my Geordie pal Dodge) back in Hull!

- They don't put kisses on the ends of texts - at first I thought this was because no one liked me, but apparently it's just not the done thing! It's actually pretty time-saving.

- Everyone is just so helpful! In England, if a stranger looked confused standing at a bus stop, it's unlikely people would rush over to help. Here, people are more than willing to give directions or information.

- There are no chavs. In fact, they don't know what chavs are. The closest thing they have is 'white trash'. It's fun teaching my roommates new words - 'chav' is a firm favourite.

I know it's not exactly balanced, but hey - I've only been in America for a month, so I'm bound to find more things I like as the year goes on!


  1. I really wish people were nicer in England, it'd be nice for people to be friendly and helpful like in America.
    Also, have you told them about Ha'way yet? THAT'S my favourite word!

    1. I haven't unleashed ha'way yet, though I have suggested Geordie Shore as recommended viewing!xx

  2. have you made them a parmo yet?! i hope you have!

    1. NO! I wouldn't even know where to begin, such a veggie (half-sesh, of course). My sister had a version here in an Italian restaurant though!xxx
