Tuesday, 31 July 2012

How NOT to pack - a week to go!

Everyone hates packing right? But we're usually talking packing for one week's holiday, or two at a push. For me, this usually involves a few bikinis, a couple of pairs of shorts and some sandals. Not exactly space-consuming! 

I'm a pretty light packer as it goes - I managed to get a whole weekend's worth of things into one rucksack on my last holiday in Amsterdam after all!

But now imagine trying to pack a year's worth of clothes, for every possible occasion and eventuality into just TWO suitcases. Yep, it's practically impossible. I've got fancy dress outfits, beachwear, gym gear...who knows what I'll be up to after all?! One week I might be on a break in Hawaii, the next I have to be searching for an internship. It's literally impossible to call! But I guess that's what I'm most looking forward to.

 It's all about the crazy organisation (which I've been known to whip out on holiday - for some reason my usual laid-back attitude goes out of the window). My list at the moment looks a bit frantic:

With only a week to go until I leave for the States, I can't really put it off any longer. From now on, I'm wearing all of my holey old clothes whilst EVERYTHING else - from my very favourite denim jacket down to my new low-top Converse is banished to the Case of Doom.

Pinned Image

Hopefully this WON'T be me.

I'm looking at the packing as a good thing - it means my year in the States is nearly here!

Unfortunately I've haven't managed to pack successfully so far...

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Road Trip Playlist.

If you read my post describing the overview of 'The Road Trip' I'm taking with my family before I start my first semester in San Francisco, it goes without saying that we'll be doing a LOT of driving - in total, we'll be travelling a total of 20 hours, and that's WITHOUT flying time included!

I HAVE to listen to music in the car (mainly to avoid car sickness, nice) so I downloaded some albums for my playlist 'Cali Road Trip' to get me through. I know no-one really listens to full albums anymore but I like to, especially on long journeys. Here are my choices!

Ben Howard - Every Kingdom - love every track on this album, perfect calming music.

Azealia Banks - Fantasea - With 'I Ain't A Bear' an instant classic (love to my Evo crew), and with the album not out until mid-August, I downloaded this 19-track mixtape instead. Yet to have a proper listen!

Lana Del Rey - Born To Die - I have to say I wasn't that keen to begin with, but with my bestie playing this CONSTANTLY, it's growing on me! I can see National Anthem becoming one of my holiday theme tunes.

Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm - again pretty chilled, I've been in love ever since I heard his version of 'Titanium' in the Live Lounge.

Various Cruelties - I was recommended this by my lovely friend Matt a while ago and I still love it! Great Unknown is my favourite.

Emilie Sande - Our Version Of Events - I think this is meant to be the biggest-selling album of the year or something?! Anyway I've been a bit slow on the uptake so I thought it deserved a listen to see what all the fuss is about!

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular - I know this is pretty old but I recently heard Electric Feel on the radio and now I'm back into this album!

Noah and the Whale - Last Night on Earth - My favourite 'Blue Skies' isn't on this album but it's got such a California feel (Who'd have thought they were from Twickenham? Ha) I had to include it!

Alabama Shakes - Boys and Girls - I've read a LOT of good reviews about this, so I'm giving it a whirl! I've saying the first listen for my journey though :)

The Black Keys - El Camino - I know The Black Keys are huge in the States but I'm relatively new to them as a band, so had to download this.

I know I'll also be listening to a lot of reggae (perfect road trip music).
Any recommendations anyone?!